
Свитер Baguette (Soumine Kim)

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This sweater is a collaboration with LAMANA. By combining the rustic and soft Como Grande yarn with the fluffy texture and sheen of Premia yarn, the perfect garment for the Aran sweater has been created. I highly recommend this combination of the two yarns.
This pattern is a written pattern included charts.
Like a baguette that pairs well with any meal, this basic aran sweater will become a frequent choice for any outfit. The clean design, with its simple arrangement of uncomplicated patterns,
really emphasizes its neatness.
The sweater is knitted using a top-down method and features overall patterning with reference to a chart.

1, 2, 3 (4, 5, 6)
Please refer to chart of size detail.
Sample is shawn in size 1 with 27 cm positive ease at the bust.

Bulky weight + Lace weight
1030, 1130, 1180 (1300, 1390, 1490) meters / 430, 470, 490 (540, 580, 620) grams of Como Grande (Merino wool) 42M from LAMANA 120 meters/ 50 grams
1030, 1130, 1180 (1300, 1390, 1490) meters / 86, 95, 100 (110, 116, 125) grams of Premia (Silk mohair) 03 from LAMANA 300 meters/ 25 grams

18 sts x 26 rows / 10 cm x 10 cm in 4.5 mm needle, with pattern(after wash)

4.5 mm (US 7) / 4 mm (US 6) a circular needle and a short tip needle (or longer if magic loop technique is used) or Double-Pointed Needles.

Stitch markers, tapestry needle or crochet hook, cable needle, stitch holders, waste yarn or extra needle
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7 дней автор алина ярцева вязание коммерческие прически свитер baguette свитер спицами техника модных коммерческих причесок
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